HB Squash AGM: September 11 2022
Notice is hereby given that Hervey Bay Squash Incorporated's AGM is to be held at The Hervey Bay Squash Courts, 184 Dayman Street Urangan on the 11 September, 2022 at 12.00 noon.
- Opening: President's Welcome.
- Apologies.
- Minutes of Previous AGM.
- Business arising from Minutes
- President’s Annual Report
- Treasurer’s Audited Annual Financial Report.
- Election of Office Bearers and Appointment of the Management Committee.
- Appointment of Auditor
- General Business:
- (1) Club Logo
- (2) Items From the FloorMeeting Closure
Please find below a Nomination Form for Volunteer Positions. please make your nominations on time.
Our President Ray, has made it clear that he would like to see succession happen this year.
At the meeting all positions are declared vacant, so this is your opportunity to nominate for a position/s which best suits your skills.
Upon receipt of attached form, please to get together with a couple of friends and send in your nominations.
Please get your nominations in early.
Barbque After
As a Celebration of our Club and its Members, we will hold BBQ (free) post AGM, with Members to bring their racquets for a social hit, in the game of their choice, afterwards.
Racquetball, Aero Squash, Doubles and Singles Squash are all on offer.
We encocurage all members to attend this important annual meeting and have a say in your club's immediate future, and join with other members for a relaxed afternoon.